French designers (Drawing, France)

6900 French designers, discover 6900 artists located in France. Selection: Drawing [...]

6900 French designers, discover 6900 artists located in France. Selection: Drawing

Artmajeur presents an exclusive selection of artworks for sale by the best contemporary artists.

Buy original artworks, limited editions and prints by the best contemporary artists worldwide.

Artmajeur is an online art gallery that effectively connects artists, art galleries and art lovers around the world. We provide an accessible platform for buyers, offering a range of diverse artworks including paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs and digital creations. This allows art lovers to effortlessly discover and purchase unique pieces, wherever they are with all the guarantees. For artists, emerging and established, Artmajeur is an opportunity to gain significant visibility and the ability to sell their work directly to their audiences worldwide. Our platform also benefits galleries by extending the reach and distribution of their works, promoting their artists and their exhibitions to a wider and more varied audience. With the development of a passionate artistic community, a user-friendly interface and a commitment to making art accessible, Artmajeur plays a crucial role in democratizing the world of art worldwide. Support Contemporary Artists!

What is a contemporary artist?

Contemporary art is today's popular art form, made during the second half of the twentieth century or from the early 21st century. What is meant by "contemporary" is any work made in recent years, which can be labeled as being influenced by contemporary art. Contemporary art consists of more abstract works than any other category of art. Artists in this category use colors, shapes, textures, and themes to bring to life subjects as vast as space, time, and human beings themselves. In the digital age, contemporary artists have an even greater opportunity to participate in an exchange of global ideas and aesthetics, thanks to the Internet.

How are contemporary artworks created?

Photographers aren't the only ones who use photos as subjects. Many artists, such as painters and sculptors, use photos to inspire their work. Although many people associate photography only with still-life, the medium is used by artists to create artwork that includes still-life subjects. Photographs and paintings can be used to tell stories, present information, or generate aesthetic interpretations.

How to Buy Art and Murals From Contemporary Artists?

Art lovers interested in buying from contemporary artists have many options for purchasing artwork. A good way to distinguish an artist's work from that of an artist working in a similar genre is to buy art from an online merchant who specializes in contemporary art and/or sculpture. An online merchant will often invest in a gallery that showcases a variety of contemporary art from both local and international artists. These merchants regularly exhibit contemporary art exhibitions featuring original works by local artists, as well as new and exciting works by traveling contemporary artists. These online art merchants are a popular choice for collectors because they allow them to view and comment on the work of other artists at various stages of creation.

Ordering a commission painting or sculpture, that is based on a story

A way to get contemporary art is to order a painting or sculpture from an artist that is based on a story. A portrait of a teenage girl would be an example. This would be a birthday gift for the young lady's parents. As the parents sit in their kitchen, enjoying coffee and popcorn as they chat with their daughter about their day, they can see the portrait in their minds. An adult teenager can create a beautiful portrait of themselves by choosing a painting from one of the many artist's portfolio websites and then uploading it to one or more of these websites. The painting could be presented to her parents along with a touching statement of gratitude.

Get help from an Art Advisor

One last way an art lover can purchase contemporary art is to lookout for artists who are knowledgeable about their chosen genre. An illustrative example is a customer who purchases modern sculpture from an online merchant specializing in modern art but has little knowledge about the tradition of this genre. To gain a better understanding of the techniques and preferences of the artist, the purchaser could study the works. This would be a valuable gift to an art lover who wishes to buy an original work of this genre but does not have all the information necessary to do so. In such cases, the purchaser could benefit from having some knowledge about the artists and their works in general, as this would assist him or her in making a wise selection of which particular work of art to buy from which artist.

Artmajeur is the greatest place to buy contemporary art!

Artmajeur gallery provides the largest selection of artwork of any genre or technique, but purchasing contemporary art and murals is a wide-ranging experience that involves much more than simply choosing which painting or sculpture to purchase from which artist. It requires an artist who can relate to the desires of its audience and who can interpret that art in a manner that expresses the artist's true personality. An artist must be able to see the message in the art and translate it into visuals that inspire and entertain. As such, anyone interested in purchasing contemporary art and in finding an artistic movement that relates to his or her unique preferences should consider browsing through the portfolios of some of the most renowned modern artists. Buying from such artists can provide for a truly enriching and entertaining investment that can last a lifetime.

Where to buy art by French designers?

Artmajeur presents a selection of the best Contemporary French artists: French painters, French sculptors, French photographers, you can find both emerging and confirmed artists on the gallery.

While painters, sculptors and photographers from France are the most popular techniques, we also have great contemporary works for sale in other techniques like collages, digital arts or textile arts. Artmajeur gallery is very popular in France because many contemporary artists use it to sell their artworks: collectors looking to buy art by French designers can find a great diversity of techniques, colors, styles and prices.

France is recognized all over the world for its art of living: landscapes, literature, gastronomy… But also thanks to the many French artists, painters and sculptors who have made their arts shine through the ages, especially in the 19th century. Paul Cezanne, Géricault, Jean Baptiste Corot, Henri Matisse, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Jacques-Louis David, Auguste Rodin… So many great French painters who left a strong imprint in the history of Art, and contributed to the constitution of new trends such as Impressionism or naturalism.

Discover and buy art from amazing contemporary artists on Artmajeur

Immersing oneself in the quest to uncover incredible contemporary artists and acquiring their masterpieces is nothing short of a captivating ballet of intellect, aesthetics, and soulful exploration. It is a voyage into the heart of human creativity that ignites the spirit, whispering secrets of the ever-evolving narrative of our times, embodied in brush strokes, digital pixels, or even the ephemeral theater of performance art.

Your initiation into this vibrant sphere can find roots in the boundless digital vineyard where artists, like rare vines, flourish. Online Art Galleries such as Artmajeur have shattered the age-old confines of the art world, broadcasting the unfiltered voices of emerging and established artists to every corner of the globe. As if entering a secret garden, these virtual spaces offer a smorgasbord of artistic expressions in their most authentic form. Artist websites, like intimate journals, unravel their artistic psyche, laying bare their processes, influences, and the profound narratives driving their creations.

The tangible energy of art fairs and museum exhibitions also provide a thrilling stage to uncover the luminaries of contemporary art. Imagine yourself amidst the flurry of Art Basel or the Venice Biennale, spellbound by a breathtaking array of artistry that spans nations and shatters boundaries. The air buzzes with stimulating conversations, each encounter with artists or their emissaries akin to uncovering a layer of a profound mystery, a step closer to deciphering the soul of their work.

The act of buying contemporary art is akin to falling in love. It demands passion and a keen understanding, a bond between you and the artist. Diving deep into the artist’s story and the crux of their work is crucial, safeguarding authenticity and truly appreciating the essence of your chosen piece. Experts like art consultants or gallery curators can be the sage guides in this journey, illuminating the path to your perfect art acquisition.

Investing in contemporary art isn’t merely an addition to a collection. It’s akin to holding a fragment of the artist’s vision, their burning ideas, and potent expressions. It’s a testament to your patronage, a spark that fuels the creative inferno and pushes the boundaries of the contemporary art scene. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a novice stepping into this vibrant world, the thrill of owning a contemporary artwork is a lasting affair that perpetually intrigues, inspires, and opens doors to endless discourse.

Sculpture,  29.5x5.9 in
Vestige du Futur 023-2 Sculpture, 29.5x5.9 in
©2023 Claude Duvauchelle

What is a contemporary artist?

A contemporary artist is an individual actively creating art within the context of modern times, typically considered to be the post-World War II era to the present day. Their work reflects, critiques, or responds to the culture, society, politics, and other elements of the current age. The ’contemporary’ in contemporary art is essentially a loose term, broadly encompassing all the art being made around the world today.

Unlike artists from specific art movements such as Impressionism, Surrealism, or Abstract Expressionism, contemporary artists aren’t confined to a specific style, medium, or subject matter. Their art practices might include traditional approaches such as painting, sculpture, or drawing, but also extend to newer forms like video art, performance art, conceptual art, digital art, and even virtual reality or AI-assisted creations. 

These artists often challenge existing norms and conventions of art-making and seek to question, disrupt, or redefine our understandings of society, identity, technology, the environment, and more. Their work frequently overlaps with social activism and political commentary, serving as a mirror to contemporary issues such as climate change, inequality, or technological advancement.

Contemporary artists can be self-taught, academically trained, or may come from different backgrounds altogether, each bringing their unique perspective to their work. They typically exhibit their work in a variety of settings, including galleries, museums, art fairs, and public spaces, and even online platforms, which have become increasingly significant in the digital age.

As the art world continues to evolve and diversify, the term ’contemporary artist’ will likely continue to broaden in its scope. It will remain a dynamic, fluid category, reflecting the ever-changing realities of our world, and the artists’ varied and innovative responses to it.

Painting,  15.8x15.8 in
Carrosse d'amour Painting, 15.8x15.8 in
©2024 Albena Vatcheva

How to invest in contemporary art today?

Artmajeur has revolutionized the way we experience and invest in contemporary art, emerging as a thriving hub that connects artists and art lovers worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned art investor or dipping your toes into the exhilarating waters of the art world for the first time, investing in contemporary artists on Artmajeur can be a rewarding and exciting journey. 

Our platform features a diverse plethora of artists and art styles, providing an expansive vista to explore, discover, and appreciate artworks that resonate with your aesthetic and intellectual sensibilities. The digital nature of our online gallery tears down geographical barriers, offering you a global palette of contemporary artists at your fingertips. Artmajeur encourages an enriching art experience that transcends borders, an immersive odyssey into the fascinating and continually evolving realm of contemporary art.

Investing in contemporary artists on Artmajeur is not just about financial gain; it’s about contributing to the vitality of the global art ecosystem, nurturing creativity, and fostering cultural dialogue. By investing, you become a patron of the arts, directly supporting artists and their creative pursuits. It’s a gratifying process, knowing that your investment makes a significant impact on artists’ lives, helping them continue to create and share their unique vision with the world.

Before making an investment, it’s vital to research the artists and their work meticulously. Read about their backgrounds, influences, and artistic philosophy, understand the themes they explore, and evaluate their creative growth over time. You can also reach out to artists directly through Artmajeur, engage in meaningful dialogues about their work, and establish relationships. This knowledge will provide you with deeper insights into the artwork and help inform your investment decisions.

Finally, remember that investing in art should also be about personal pleasure and enrichment. Choose artworks that move you, provoke thought, inspire, or simply bring joy. The true value of art lies in its ability to communicate, evoke emotions, and enrich our lives. When you invest in a contemporary artist on Artmajeur, you are not just purchasing a piece of art; you are owning a fragment of the artist’s soul, vision, and commentary on our contemporary world!

Painting,  31.5x23.6 in
Introspection Painting, 31.5x23.6 in
©2023 Erdna Andre
Claude Duvauchelle
Drawing titled "L'ECRIT et les MAUX…" by Claude Duvauchelle, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "FIGURATION CHRISTIQ…" by Claude Duvauchelle, Original Artwork, Other Mounted on Wood Panel Drawing titled "GROUPE DE PIEDS Tec…" by Claude Duvauchelle, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "GRAND DESSSIN- Pier…" by Claude Duvauchelle, Original Artwork Drawing titled "GRAND DESSIN II - 2…" by Claude Duvauchelle, Original Artwork, Charcoal Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "GRAND DESSIN - Pier…" by Claude Duvauchelle, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "GRAND DESSIN 210x14…" by Claude Duvauchelle, Original Artwork, Charcoal Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "L.05A" by Claude Duvauchelle, Original Artwork
Albena Vatcheva
Drawing titled "Famille" by Albena Vatcheva, Original Artwork, Collages Drawing titled "Jeune femme" by Albena Vatcheva, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Mariage" by Albena Vatcheva, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Stairway to heaven" by Albena Vatcheva, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Souviens-toi les lu…" by Albena Vatcheva, Original Artwork, Light Painting Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Minuit dans le jard…" by Albena Vatcheva, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "La forêt enchantée" by Albena Vatcheva, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Les villages de mon…" by Albena Vatcheva, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Other rigid panel
Philippe Alliet
Drawing titled "Iguazu suite 009" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Oil Drawing titled "Éléphant danseur" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Rebel horse -025" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Charcoal Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "chouette effraie" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "La course 003" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Dromadaire 001" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Watercolor Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "La course 002" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "La course 001" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Cardboard
Dominique Frampier
Drawing titled "PUNKY" by Dominique Frampier, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "255" by Dominique Frampier, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "243" by Dominique Frampier, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "246" by Dominique Frampier, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "247" by Dominique Frampier, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "248" by Dominique Frampier, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "250" by Dominique Frampier, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "JIMINY 257" by Dominique Frampier, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Henri Ibara
Drawing titled "Football cosmique" by Henri Ibara, Original Artwork, Gouache Drawing titled "Football N°86" by Henri Ibara, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Posture M Bappé" by Henri Ibara, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Dribble N°2" by Henri Ibara, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Dribble N°1" by Henri Ibara, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Arrêt" by Henri Ibara, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Football N°90" by Henri Ibara, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Football N°89" by Henri Ibara, Original Artwork, Ink
Erdna Andre
Drawing titled "Kindness" by Erdna Andre, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Pensif 2" by Erdna Andre, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Pensive 2" by Erdna Andre, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Éprouvé" by Erdna Andre, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Le penseur" by Erdna Andre, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Pensif" by Erdna Andre, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Pensive" by Erdna Andre, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Ornans" by Erdna Andre, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "Les vieux amants" by Elisetot, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Rêverie sur le sable" by Elisetot, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Chaise avec vue" by Elisetot, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "En équilibre" by Elisetot, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Body Boy Board" by Elisetot, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Séduction au tennis" by Elisetot, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "La plage des Dames" by Elisetot, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Sur les routes d'Ar…" by Elisetot, Original Artwork, Graphite
Sandrine Lefebvre
Drawing titled "Abstrait Feuilles q…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Abstrait Tissage Co…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Gouache Drawing titled "Arbre Abstrait Bleu" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Bouquet Fleur Abstr…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Gouache Drawing titled "Deux Arbres Bouleaux" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Fleur de Lys champê…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Guitare Classique,…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Portrait Femme  Pro…" by Sandrine Lefebvre, Original Artwork, Pencil
Hugo Bartoli
Drawing titled "Unknown" by Hugo Bartoli, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Drawing titled "Show me" by Hugo Bartoli, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Drawing titled "Holding" by Hugo Bartoli, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Dreaming" by Hugo Bartoli, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Drawing titled "Waiting for him" by Hugo Bartoli, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Last meeting" by Hugo Bartoli, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Une visite" by Hugo Bartoli, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Jeu de main" by Hugo Bartoli, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Brigitte Derbigny
Drawing titled "Les ailes du désir" by Brigitte Derbigny, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Drawing titled "Vénus n° 3" by Brigitte Derbigny, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Vénus n°1" by Brigitte Derbigny, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Vénus n°4" by Brigitte Derbigny, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Vénus guitare" by Brigitte Derbigny, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Vénus aux cheveux r…" by Brigitte Derbigny, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Vénus tachetée" by Brigitte Derbigny, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Brigitte de Rita" by Brigitte Derbigny, Original Artwork, Marker
Caroline Lopez
Drawing titled "22 quai d'Orléans" by Caroline Lopez, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "19 quai de Bourbon" by Caroline Lopez, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Funambules, entre l…" by Caroline Lopez, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "A travers les plata…" by Caroline Lopez, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Marais . . . cage!" by Caroline Lopez, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Sur les jardins de…" by Caroline Lopez, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "L'Atelier de la rue…" by Caroline Lopez, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "68 place de la Sorb…" by Caroline Lopez, Original Artwork, Ink
Thierry Villers
Drawing titled "Lady in the light" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "The Workerman" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Man of Steel" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Christopher Reeve" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Bruce Springsteen" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Audrey Hepburn" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "Brel" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Chalk Drawing titled "Audrey Hepburn indi…" by Thierry Villers, Original Artwork, Pencil
Patrick Jannin
Drawing titled "Deux poneys" by Patrick Jannin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Tortues jouant au s…" by Patrick Jannin, Original Artwork, Ink
Drawing titled "Zèbre avec un bec" by Patrick Jannin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Jeune chien" by Patrick Jannin, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Les insectes au san…" by Patrick Jannin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "D'une rive à l'autre" by Patrick Jannin, Original Artwork, Ink
Drawing titled "Mille-pattes vu de…" by Patrick Jannin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "The green rabbit is…" by Patrick Jannin, Original Artwork, Ink
Cécile Mordillo
Drawing titled "B&B" by Cécile Mordillo, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Le noeud" by Cécile Mordillo, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Up..." by Cécile Mordillo, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Up" by Cécile Mordillo, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Rossy" by Cécile Mordillo, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Dearg-cheann" by Cécile Mordillo, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Yhi" by Cécile Mordillo, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Ginger5" by Cécile Mordillo, Original Artwork, Pencil
Gérard Rombi
Drawing titled "MYRIAM" by Gérard Rombi, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "YESHUA ( sur comman…" by Gérard Rombi, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "DOS D'OR" by Gérard Rombi, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "L'AGE D'AIRAIN" by Gérard Rombi, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "MARIE DE MAGDALA -…" by Gérard Rombi, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "JULIETTE" by Gérard Rombi, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "ADONIS ÉTUDE" by Gérard Rombi, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "BOURGEOIS DE CALAIS" by Gérard Rombi, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard
Xavier Debeerst
Drawing titled "_mémoire_oublie_ po…" by Xavier Debeerst, Original Artwork, Monotype Drawing titled "Bibliothèque d'un a…" by Xavier Debeerst, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Bibliothèque d'un a…" by Xavier Debeerst, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Bibliothèque d'un a…" by Xavier Debeerst, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Bibliothèque d'un a…" by Xavier Debeerst, Original Artwork, Monotype Drawing titled "Bibliothèque d'un a…" by Xavier Debeerst, Original Artwork, Monotype Drawing titled "The Beetle, twice" by Xavier Debeerst, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "The Family, Anna Ka…" by Xavier Debeerst, Original Artwork, Pastel
Alain Rouschmeyer
Drawing titled "LE MIROIR AU PAPILL…" by Alain Rouschmeyer, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "EN TERRASSE" by Alain Rouschmeyer, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Panel Drawing titled "EXPEDITION" by Alain Rouschmeyer, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Panel Drawing titled "MAGNESIE" by Alain Rouschmeyer, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Panel Drawing titled "MURMURES et CHUCHOT…" by Alain Rouschmeyer, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Canicule" by Alain Rouschmeyer, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "L'Adélie d'Amélie -…" by Alain Rouschmeyer, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "LA COUR DES RATS -…" by Alain Rouschmeyer, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen
Sylvie Bayle
Drawing titled "Le jardin" by Sylvie Bayle, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "L'attente" by Sylvie Bayle, Original Artwork, Charcoal Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "La Lettre" by Sylvie Bayle, Original Artwork, Charcoal Mounted on Glass Drawing titled "LE VENT DANS LES CH…" by Sylvie Bayle, Original Artwork, Charcoal Mounted on artwork_cat. Drawing titled "Les opales du chat" by Sylvie Bayle, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Les moustaches vert…" by Sylvie Bayle, Original Artwork, Conté Drawing titled "SCENE DE JARDIN" by Sylvie Bayle, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "L'AFFUT" by Sylvie Bayle, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard
Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art)
Drawing titled "Isha, trésor du Ker…" by Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art), Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Douceur du Vietnam" by Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art), Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "L'enfant parle à so…" by Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art), Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Asante sana" by Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art), Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Le franchouillard" by Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art), Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "No comment !" by Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art), Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Un amour Orang Ulu" by Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art), Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Mandela 46664" by Bérengère Labarthe (Lab-Art), Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen
Sébastien Bocquet
Drawing titled "Brautigan" by Sébastien Bocquet, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Camus" by Sébastien Bocquet, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Pasolini" by Sébastien Bocquet, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Maulin" by Sébastien Bocquet, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Cendrars" by Sébastien Bocquet, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Bukowski" by Sébastien Bocquet, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Céline" by Sébastien Bocquet, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Miller" by Sébastien Bocquet, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen
Benny Arte
Drawing titled "ED Ruscha : Garde r…" by Benny Arte, Original Artwork, Digital Collage Drawing titled "City of God" by Benny Arte, Original Artwork, Digital Collage Drawing titled "Snoopy, The Pianist…" by Benny Arte, Original Artwork, Digital Collage Drawing titled "Snoopy : La Cascade…" by Benny Arte, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Banksy.. Interdit d…" by Benny Arte, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Welcome to the jung…" by Benny Arte, Original Artwork, Spray paint
Constant Fenec
Drawing titled "croquis 13" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 12" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 11" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 10" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Oil
Drawing titled "croquis 9" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 8" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Oil
Drawing titled "croquis 7" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "croquis 6" by Constant Fenec, Original Artwork, Pastel
Maryam Shams
Drawing titled "Horizon_26" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Horizon_27" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Pigments Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Horizon_25" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Horizon_6" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Horizons _10" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Horizons _8" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Horizon_7" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Collages Drawing titled "Horizon diptyque n°1" by Maryam Shams, Original Artwork, Collages
Pascal Cavalli
Drawing titled "22039 Forza" by Pascal Cavalli, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "22040 Complémentair…" by Pascal Cavalli, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "22037 Colored Move" by Pascal Cavalli, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "22036 Volontaire" by Pascal Cavalli, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "22012 Equilibre" by Pascal Cavalli, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "22 1011 Le vitrail" by Pascal Cavalli, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "21 027 Interstellai…" by Pascal Cavalli, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "20 144 Ex tension" by Pascal Cavalli, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Evelyne Cassan
Drawing titled "Philomène" by Evelyne Cassan, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "l amour est dans le…" by Evelyne Cassan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "l amour est dans le…" by Evelyne Cassan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "l amour est dans le…" by Evelyne Cassan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "la fée des moissons" by Evelyne Cassan, Original Artwork, Acrylic Drawing titled "l amour est dans le…" by Evelyne Cassan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "l amour est dans le…" by Evelyne Cassan, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "l amour est dans le…" by Evelyne Cassan, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "Orange Moon" by Do.M.Ju, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "AlfaRoméo1900sport" by Do.M.Ju, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Testa Rossa" by Do.M.Ju, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "the rocket" by Do.M.Ju, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Noguchi spirit 2" by Do.M.Ju, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Noguchi Akari" by Do.M.Ju, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Broekhuizen Spiral" by Do.M.Ju, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Caillette diamant" by Do.M.Ju, Original Artwork, Marker
Dov Melloul
Drawing titled "21 JUIN 2016 "FÊTE…" by Dov Melloul, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "DESSIN 13" by Dov Melloul, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "DESSIN 12" by Dov Melloul, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "DESSIN 11" by Dov Melloul, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "DESSIN 9 BIS" by Dov Melloul, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "DESSIN 8 BIS" by Dov Melloul, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "DESSIN 7" by Dov Melloul, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "DESSIN 10" by Dov Melloul, Original Artwork, Other
Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff
Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Les Anges du Sceptr…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Etude pour "Hermès…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Chalk Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Etude pour "Tout co…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Etude pour les "Atl…" by Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Original Artwork, Ink
Sophie Agogué
Drawing titled "Pro N 16" by Sophie Agogué, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Pro N 15" by Sophie Agogué, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Pro N 14" by Sophie Agogué, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Pro N 13" by Sophie Agogué, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Pro N 12" by Sophie Agogué, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Pro N 11" by Sophie Agogué, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Pro N 10" by Sophie Agogué, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "ProN9" by Sophie Agogué, Original Artwork, Marker
Dominique Leblanc
Drawing titled "Femme nue allongée" by Dominique Leblanc, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "étude de nu - 2024" by Dominique Leblanc, Original Artwork, Pastel
Drawing titled "Là où je vais" by Dominique Leblanc, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Paysage improbable" by Dominique Leblanc, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Impression, soleil…" by Dominique Leblanc, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Paysage, lac noir" by Dominique Leblanc, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Paysage, nuit" by Dominique Leblanc, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Vue sur la Dent d'O…" by Dominique Leblanc, Original Artwork, Ink
Abricodéal Îles
Drawing titled "Harmonie ou Pocahon…" by Abricodéal Îles, Original Artwork, Gel pen Drawing titled "La planète rose" by Abricodéal Îles, Original Artwork, Gel pen Drawing titled "Nature morte aux or…" by Abricodéal Îles, Original Artwork, Gel pen Drawing titled "Pyjama émerveillé" by Abricodéal Îles, Original Artwork, Gel pen Drawing titled "La maitresse de l'a…" by Abricodéal Îles, Original Artwork, Gel pen Mounted on Metal Drawing titled "Les 4 saisons" by Abricodéal Îles, Original Artwork, Gel pen Drawing titled "Pop Loneliness" by Abricodéal Îles, Original Artwork, Gel pen Drawing titled "Paradise" by Abricodéal Îles, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen
Vincent Marit
Drawing titled "LE RAMEUR" by Vincent Marit, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Royaume" by Vincent Marit, Original Artwork, Marker Drawing titled "Mona une Femme de s…" by Vincent Marit, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Belle Princesse." by Vincent Marit, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "L'Oisel le Troubado…" by Vincent Marit, Original Artwork, Graphite Drawing titled "Miss Mcphee" by Vincent Marit, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Pause Longue." by Vincent Marit, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Danse Chinoise sous…" by Vincent Marit, Original Artwork, Ink
Audrey Rouvin
Drawing titled "Manoir de Waddesdon" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Cité sous Marine" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Frozen" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Le Vénérable" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Watercolor Drawing titled "Il était une Fois" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Tempête" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Collonges La Rouge" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Amarrage" by Audrey Rouvin, Original Artwork, Ink
Tristan Ligen
Drawing titled "Le sentier" by Tristan Ligen, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Le Chêne" by Tristan Ligen, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Là-haut" by Tristan Ligen, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Lavoir à Vitré" by Tristan Ligen, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Revenir à la source" by Tristan Ligen, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Chute" by Tristan Ligen, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Avant la chute" by Tristan Ligen, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "La chute" by Tristan Ligen, Original Artwork, Pastel
Pastels Et Velours
Drawing titled "Ondine" by Pastels Et Velours, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "La fée Bleue" by Pastels Et Velours, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Robin des Bois" by Pastels Et Velours, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Le vilain petit can…" by Pastels Et Velours, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Peace and Love" by Pastels Et Velours, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Cerf de Virginie -…" by Pastels Et Velours, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Propithèque de Coqu…" by Pastels Et Velours, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Marcel" by Pastels Et Velours, Original Artwork, Pastel
Olivier Guérin
Drawing titled "img-0489.jpg" by Olivier Guérin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "img-0756.jpg" by Olivier Guérin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "img-0755.jpg" by Olivier Guérin, Original Artwork Drawing titled "img-0757.jpg" by Olivier Guérin, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "img-0754.jpg" by Olivier Guérin, Original Artwork
Luc Pierre
Drawing titled "BLUE DAY" by Luc Pierre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "IDEAL LIFE" by Luc Pierre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "PERPETUAL CYCLE WIT…" by Luc Pierre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "BALCONY" by Luc Pierre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "MAGNETIC DREAM" by Luc Pierre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "ARRETER LE TEMPS -…" by Luc Pierre, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "METAMORPHOSIS" by Luc Pierre, Original Artwork, Collages Drawing titled "EQUILIBRIUM" by Luc Pierre, Original Artwork, Pastel
Olivier Valèry
Drawing titled "perfect cell" by Olivier Valèry, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Cowboy Bebop" by Olivier Valèry, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Milo du Scorpion" by Olivier Valèry, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Mon voisin Totoro" by Olivier Valèry, Original Artwork, Watercolor Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Drawing titled "Seiya" by Olivier Valèry, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Stormtrooper de Sta…" by Olivier Valèry, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Trunks du futur" by Olivier Valèry, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Goldorak" by Olivier Valèry, Original Artwork, Pencil
Gwendoline Rousvoal
Drawing titled "Miroir n°2" by Gwendoline Rousvoal, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Miroir n°13" by Gwendoline Rousvoal, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Miroir n°17" by Gwendoline Rousvoal, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Miroir n°10" by Gwendoline Rousvoal, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Miroir n°6" by Gwendoline Rousvoal, Original Artwork, Pastel
Anthony Perez
Drawing titled "Rails - Esvres sur…" by Anthony Perez, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Plage des Dames et…" by Anthony Perez, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Peintres a Montmart…" by Anthony Perez, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nu 24" by Anthony Perez, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nu 23" by Anthony Perez, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nu 20" by Anthony Perez, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nu 17" by Anthony Perez, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nu 16" by Anthony Perez, Original Artwork, Pastel
Cristian Tonea
Drawing titled "Primal Dance" by Cristian Tonea, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Primal Move" by Cristian Tonea, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Generous Pose" by Cristian Tonea, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "One-Eyed Look" by Cristian Tonea, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Clean Face" by Cristian Tonea, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen Drawing titled "Trembling Face" by Cristian Tonea, Original Artwork, Ballpoint pen
Josef Ciesla
Drawing titled "i Polska" by Josef Ciesla, Original Artwork, Charcoal Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Dante d'après Gusta…" by Josef Ciesla, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Wood Panel Drawing titled "Woda czarna n°33 Po…" by Josef Ciesla, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Woda Umarla n°5 (ea…" by Josef Ciesla, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Woda n°60 Ciszo (si…" by Josef Ciesla, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Woda n°56 Przejezdz…" by Josef Ciesla, Original Artwork, Chalk Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Woda n°58 Glebia (e…" by Josef Ciesla, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Other rigid panel Drawing titled "Woda n°61 Draznie" by Josef Ciesla, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Other rigid panel
Pascal Marcel
Drawing titled "Vers la lumière" by Pascal Marcel, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "Chez grand mère" by Pascal Marcel, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "Monographie" by Pascal Marcel, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "Les bras ballants" by Pascal Marcel, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "Les deux amies" by Pascal Marcel, Original Artwork, Other
François Cusson
Drawing titled "Jardin du Luxembour…" by François Cusson, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Rue Anatole France,…" by François Cusson, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "De ma fenêtre, Les…" by François Cusson, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Rue Bisson, Les Sab…" by François Cusson, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Le pont des Platane…" by François Cusson, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Vue de la plaine" by François Cusson, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Carotte sauvage" by François Cusson, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass Drawing titled "Rochers au JA Marti…" by François Cusson, Original Artwork, Pencil Mounted on Plexiglass
Drawing titled "Brad" by Andromaque, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Michel" by Andromaque, Original Artwork, Pastel Mounted on Cardboard Drawing titled "Louise Brongniart" by Andromaque, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Du Barry" by Andromaque, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Nathalie Laborde" by Andromaque, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "L'Amour menaçant" by Andromaque, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Guy" by Andromaque, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "Sarah" by Andromaque, Original Artwork, Pastel
Hélène Hugon
Drawing titled "Statue I" by Hélène Hugon, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Statue II" by Hélène Hugon, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Statue III" by Hélène Hugon, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Statue IV" by Hélène Hugon, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Statue V" by Hélène Hugon, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Eglise de la Madele…" by Hélène Hugon, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Chapelle parisienne" by Hélène Hugon, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "Vêtement I" by Hélène Hugon, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Gerard Marteau
Drawing titled "cavalier ab" by Gerard Marteau, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "envol" by Gerard Marteau, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "symbiose" by Gerard Marteau, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "illustration 5" by Gerard Marteau, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "a sec" by Gerard Marteau, Original Artwork, Pastel Drawing titled "illustration 4" by Gerard Marteau, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "illustration 3" by Gerard Marteau, Original Artwork, Pencil Drawing titled "dessin moto" by Gerard Marteau, Original Artwork, Watercolor
Katia Chojnacki
Drawing titled "BE SIMPLE !" by Katia Chojnacki, Original Artwork Drawing titled "GRANDE TUNIQUE" by Katia Chojnacki, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "INTÉRIEUR DESTRUCTU…" by Katia Chojnacki, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "CHAISE ET IMPRESSIO…" by Katia Chojnacki, Original Artwork, Other Drawing titled "TUNIQUE ET JARDIN" by Katia Chojnacki, Original Artwork Drawing titled "CHAISE BAROQUE" by Katia Chojnacki, Original Artwork Drawing titled "DÉCOMPOSITION ARCHI…" by Katia Chojnacki, Original Artwork Drawing titled "FEMME FLEUR" by Katia Chojnacki, Original Artwork, Other
Anthony Moreau
Drawing titled "n°24" by Anthony Moreau, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "n°23" by Anthony Moreau, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Étude de Solomon J.…" by Anthony Moreau, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "n°7" by Anthony Moreau, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "Étude de Solomon Jo…" by Anthony Moreau, Original Artwork, Charcoal Drawing titled "n°9" by Anthony Moreau, Original Artwork, Charcoal
Marc Turpaud
Drawing titled "Dessin girl Surfing" by Marc Turpaud, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Dessin Surfing" by Marc Turpaud, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Quiétude" by Marc Turpaud, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Surfing Landes" by Marc Turpaud, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Sérénité" by Marc Turpaud, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Magie" by Marc Turpaud, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "Orientation" by Marc Turpaud, Original Artwork, Ink Drawing titled "sans titre 2" by Marc Turpaud, Original Artwork, Ink


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