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Discover 1818 Recent Articles from all around the world

Artmajeur Magazine is offering a wide range of articles related to the passion of arts. Get the latest art news and trivia, learn about art history, or get to know the best contemporary artists via exclusive interviews. A selection of the best art related articles for you to read online or on our paper-version art magazine.

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Welcome to Artmajeur Magazine, where art and culture intertwine to create an engaging and vibrant journey for our readers. As your trusted guide in the bustling and mesmerizing world of art, we are dedicated to enlightening you with rich and varied content that caters to both enthusiasts and professionals.

Artmajeur Magazine offers insightful articles that traverse the expansive landscape of art trends, seamlessly blending the traditional with the contemporary. Our expert team meticulously examines evolving artistic patterns, shedding light on emerging talents and celebrating the avant-garde. Each edition is a compilation of the global artistic pulse that aims to inspire, educate, and stimulate dialogue.

With a deep reverence for the richness of art history, we bring you features that span centuries and geographies. Dive into the life and times of renowned artists, understand their motivations and the context in which their masterpieces were created. Learn about the unsung heroes of art history, whose creative brilliance is yet to receive the recognition it deserves.

In a world where art continues to flourish and innovate, we help you stay up-to-date with art news from across the globe. Be the first to know about major exhibitions, art auctions, festivals, and awards. We cover all the top events and provide expert commentary on the relevance and impact of these happenings in the global art scene.

For those who find art as not just a passion, but also an investment, Artmajeur Magazine serves as a reliable resource. Benefit from investment advice that draws on in-depth market analyses, helping you understand the financial dynamics of the art world. Gain insights on acquiring and managing art collections, while also learning the art of appreciating value beyond the price tag.

And finally, let’s not forget the aesthetic charm that art brings into our everyday spaces. Our decoration tips are curated by top interior designers and art curators to help you transform your living or work environment into a sanctuary of creative expression. 

At Artmajeur Magazine, we believe in the power of art to connect, inspire, and transform. Whether you’re a seasoned collector, an artist, an enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of art, our magazine offers a unique and enriching perspective. Join us on this captivating journey through the world of art.

What is Artmajeur Magazine?

Artmajeur Magazine is a dynamic platform that provides an all-encompassing view of the art world, with a focus on the multifaceted aspects of art trends, art history, art news, decoration tips, and investment advice. Every issue is meticulously curated to present a wide spectrum of topics, immersing you in a world of artistic exploration and discovery. 

Artmajeur Magazine plays a crucial role in tracking and documenting global art trends. With the art scene rapidly evolving, we keep you informed and engaged with what’s shaping the contemporary artistic landscape. We explore trendsetting artists, movements, techniques, and more, allowing you to stay updated and connected with the ever-changing pulse of the global art community.

Our pages resonate with the echoes of art history, providing a profound understanding of the journey that art has taken over centuries. We delve into the lives and legacies of artists, analyze iconic works, and chart the evolution of various art forms. Our historical narratives serve to deepen your appreciation of art, enriching your overall experience.

Artmajeur Magazine also ensures you’re always in the loop with the latest art news. From coverage of major exhibitions and art fairs to in-depth features on contemporary artists and movements, we bring the most pertinent news directly to you. Our articles are detailed, accessible, and designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of current events in the art world.

A unique facet of Artmajeur Magazine is our dedication to the fusion of art and interior decoration. We provide expertly curated decoration tips to transform your space into an artistic oasis. From pairing the right pieces with your decor to effectively using art to enhance the mood of a room, we guide you in infusing art into your daily life.

Lastly, recognizing art as a viable investment avenue, we provide sound investment advice to our readers. Navigating the complex dynamics of the art market can be daunting, but our insightful articles and market analyses are here to guide you. We demystify the economics of the art world, helping you build and manage a valuable art collection.

In essence, Artmajeur Magazine is not just a publication; it is an immersive journey that opens doors to the diverse and vibrant universe of art. We invite you to join us, whether you are a seasoned artist, a passionate collector, an art student, or someone simply enchanted by the beauty of art. Artmajeur Magazine is for everyone who cherishes and values the enriching world of art.

How Artmajeur Magazine is helping collectors to invest in art?

Artmajeur Magazine serves as a powerful resource when it comes to investing in art, guiding you through the intricate and fascinating world of art investment with expertise and precision.

Understanding the art market can be a complex task, given its nuanced nature and fluctuations. Artmajeur Magazine assists you in comprehending these subtleties through in-depth articles and analyses. Our experts carefully study the ebb and flow of the art market, shedding light on emerging trends and potential opportunities. This gives you a comprehensive view of the market dynamics and helps you make informed decisions.

Furthermore, we provide insightful articles on various art movements, styles, and artists, both renowned and upcoming. These features can aid you in identifying the kind of art you wish to invest in. Our explorative content helps you develop an eye for recognizing potential in artists and art pieces that may gain significance and value over time.

In addition, Artmajeur Magazine includes expert advice and tips on how to build and manage an art collection. Our guidance ranges from practical aspects like maintaining the condition of artworks and handling insurance, to more strategic aspects like diversifying your collection and timing your purchases or sales for maximum return on investment.

Art investment often extends beyond monetary value, and we recognize that at Artmajeur Magazine. We also offer advice on how to invest in art that you personally enjoy and appreciate. After all, the value of art is not just in its potential for financial appreciation, but also in the pleasure, inspiration, and cultural richness it brings to your life.

Whether you are a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the world of art investment, Artmajeur Magazine provides the insights and knowledge you need to navigate the art market with confidence and sophistication. Investing in art becomes less intimidating and more rewarding with Artmajeur Magazine as your trusted guide.

What are the most famous Art Magazines?

There are several well-known art magazines that have established themselves as reputable sources in the art world. Some of these magazines include:

  1. Artforum: Artforum is a highly regarded international art magazine that covers a wide range of art topics, including contemporary art, exhibitions, reviews, and critical analysis. It has been a prominent publication since its founding in 1962.

  2. ARTnews: ARTnews is one of the oldest and most respected art magazines, providing comprehensive coverage of the art world. It features news, profiles, and in-depth articles on artists, collectors, galleries, and major art events.

  3. ArtReview: ArtReview is a monthly publication that focuses on contemporary art and its global landscape. It offers critical commentary, interviews, and features on emerging and established artists, exhibitions, and art market trends.

  4. Flash Art: Flash Art is an international art magazine that highlights contemporary art, artists, and exhibitions. It features critical essays, interviews, and reviews, offering insightful perspectives on the contemporary art scene.

  5. Frieze: Frieze is a leading contemporary art magazine that covers art and culture from around the world. It features articles, interviews, and reviews on contemporary artists, exhibitions, and art market developments.

  6. Juxtapoz: Juxtapoz is a magazine that focuses on contemporary art, covering a range of artistic styles and disciplines. It showcases both established and emerging artists, providing a platform for unique and alternative voices in the art world.

  7. Apollo: Apollo is a prestigious art magazine that primarily focuses on art history, offering scholarly articles, reviews, and features on a wide range of artistic periods and movements.

These are just a few examples of well-known art magazines that cater to diverse interests and provide valuable insights into the art world. Each magazine has its own unique approach and focus, allowing readers to find the publications that align with their specific interests and preferences. At Artmajeur, we offer both a paper version and a web version of our art magazine, and all our articles are available for free on our website!

Art History
The bicycle in art
Jan 19, 2022
6 minutes read
The history of art is full of paintings, sculptures and installations, which have had as their protagonist the timeless bicycle. The lesson of the great masters continues to inspire contemporary art, full of works that have dealt with this topical subject in an ever different and original way...
Pop Culture
How a nursing home has elevated its residents to the status of classic works of art ?
Jan 18, 2022
2 minutes read
A care home in Oxford has photographed residents recreating famous paintings and created a calendar for the year 2022. 14 seniors volunteered to appear in the MHA Brookfield's 2022 calendar in order to raise funds for creative activities. Residents have developed an interest in the arts since moving to the home, which provides nursing and dementia care for 66 residents.


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