Ani Ayrapetian, inspiration coming from God

Ani Ayrapetian, inspiration coming from God

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Apr 23, 2022 3 minutes read 0 comments

Ani Ayrapetian's painting is inspired by God and aims to create works with warm colors that bring joy and light into the world...

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What motivated you to become an artist? What is your path?

Like all children, since childhood I loved to draw. Over the years, my love of painting has only grown stronger. And I realized that I want to be an artist.It's a great happiness for a man when he does what he loves. My way as an artist is not easy. It must always go forward, do not stop on what has been achieved. 

What are the three things that distinguish you from other artists?

I think that distinguish me from other artists manner of writing, my color perception and synthesis of the Armenian national tradition of painting with modern art.

Where do you get your inspiration?

I think from God. "Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less of the artist, the better. André Gide

Tell us about the design of your works, do you have a long preparatory work or it is rather spontaneous?

It seems to me that my best paintings are born when I write in the same breath. My picture "Inspiration" I wrote in 2 hours, the picture won the Grand Prix at the international festival in the category "Painting".

What do you want to show in your work?

I like to paint bright and warm colours I want my paintings to bring joy and light to the world.With color and form I want to show my love for life, my emotions, my state of mind and individual vision of the world. 

Do you use unusual methods or materials in your work?

I paint on different materials: canvas, cardboard, paper, glass, acrylic and oil paints.

Do you have a favorite format? Why?

I write in all formats, both large and small, depending on the idea and the task.

What difficulties do you face in your work?

Difficulties of course, but on the other hand they encourage further development. 

How do you work? At home, in a shared workshop, in your own workshop?

Both at home and in the studio. When I really want to paint a picture, an artist doesn't look where he is, at home or in the studio.

Do you have to travel a lot because of your work as an artist?

The beauty of nature, meeting new people and good emotions are passed on to the canvas, like the air. But I want to travel more.

What was the most beautiful moment of your career?

Great moments were many (admission to the Union of Artists of Russia, "Acknowledgement" from the Chairman of the Union of Russian Artists, warm reviews from fans of my work, participation in various major exhibitions, but especially dear to me December 4, 2013, Grand Prix in the category "Painting" at the international festival. It gave me confidence and an incentive to always go forward.

How do you see your work in ten years?

It is difficult to answer: it is possible to remain faithful to the manner of my writing.Maybe I will try in other directions. Time will tell.

What are you working on now? Are you planning an exhibition soon?

I'm planning a solo exhibition in Moscow. I'm currently painting a seascape.

If you could create a masterpiece of art history, which one would you choose?

"Dance" by Henri Matisse. 

If you could invite a famous artist (dead or alive) to dinner, which one would you choose ?

It's hard to pick just one.  I would like to talk to many people, like Matisse, Saryan, Cézanne, Gauguin, Minas Avetisian and many other great artists.

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