Aike  Gallery 艾克画廊 Profile Picture

Aike Gallery 艾克画廊

Art gallery
1 artist

Beijing Aike Art - Vision Culture Spreading CO.LTD. About The Songzhuang artist village is located in the northeast part of Tongzhou district, China. It is surrounded by Wenyu river, Chaobai river, Jian river and the Beijing Hangzhou grand canal. Songzhuang artist village is the most famous and biggest artist community in Beijing. More than 5,000 artists live in Song Zhuang. Painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, conceptual / new media artists and dreamers live side-by-side, the largest gathering of contemporary artists in China. Their artworks were collected by dozens of famous international museums and art gallerys. China's national image publicity character, Huangyongyu, the godfather of contemporary Chinese art,Li sianting, and the famous contemporary artists--Fang Lijun, Yue Minjun, Yang Shaobin and Liu Wei live in this village.Since the first China Songzhuang cultural art festival successfully held in 2005, Songzhuang artist village has begun to gain worldwide attention with its distinctive artistic features. Artists and art lovers from both inside China and around the world come here to attend this art fair which hold every year in September. We are art exchange and promotion agencies.Our service includes: 1. To build a platform for international gallery between China and the world.We will offer video signal on-site in Chinese art exhibition to make you feel at the scence when you are home. 2. Artist promotion: We will make videos and take pictures for your artworks by years. And release them through the network, exhibition, media.We will also deliver them to auction company and collectors to make Chinese artists to the international market.We will introduce foreign artists to come to Songzhuang to promote avant-garde concept.We will be your private archives. 3. We will have cooperations with Beijing culture development foundation international exchange center. So we can offer the service for Chinese culture and art's tourism. To make you know about China's ancient traditional culture and the forefront of Chinese contemporary art. The service includes airport shuttle、lodgings、dining, translation, entertainment, artists, exhibition, communication with artists, guide and so on various

Art gallery (中国) member since 2011, Aike Gallery 艾克画廊 presents an exclusive selection of artworks for sale by the best contemporary artists. Discover contemporary artists presented by Aike Gallery 艾克画廊, browse art and buy online. Artists presented: 1 Chinese contemporary artists. Artmajeur for Art Galleries

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Manager: 苗靖涛 jingtaomiao
Member since 2011

Artists presented by Aike Gallery 艾克画廊

Jidi Liu
Jidi Liu
中国 • 13 artworks

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