The premier destination to buy corporate art online

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Elevate Your Business Environment with Artmajeur: The Premier Destination for Corporate Art In today’s competitive business landscape, creating an inspiring and visually appealing environment is crucial. Not only does it enhance the aesthetic appeal of your workspace, but it also boosts employee morale, impresses clients, and reinforces your brand identity. Artmajeur[...]
Corporate office with paintings on the walls

Elevate Your Business Environment with Artmajeur: The Premier Destination for Corporate Art

In today’s competitive business landscape, creating an inspiring and visually appealing environment is crucial. Not only does it enhance the aesthetic appeal of your workspace, but it also boosts employee morale, impresses clients, and reinforces your brand identity. Artmajeur is your ultimate partner in achieving these goals, offering a vast selection of over 3,000,000 original artworks from more than 100,000 contemporary artists and 1,000 art galleries worldwide. Whether you need office art, corporate art collections, or business wall art, Artmajeur has something to suit every taste and budget.

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Why is Corporate Art Important?

Corporate art serves multiple purposes. It can transform bland office spaces into dynamic environments, foster creativity among employees, and make a strong statement about your company’s values and vision. Here’s why investing in corporate art from Artmajeur is a smart move for your business:

  1. Enhanced Work Environment 
    Artmajeur offers a wide range of office decor art that can significantly enhance your work environment. Beautiful artwork can make your office more inviting and aesthetically pleasing, which in turn can boost employee morale and productivity. Art for workplaces, including office wall art and office prints, can create a visually stimulating atmosphere that fosters creativity and innovation.
    Browse the prints shop

  2. Strengthened Brand Identity 
    Your choice of corporate art can reflect and enhance your company’s brand. Artmajeur provides art for corporate spaces that can reinforce your brand identity and values. Whether you’re looking for modern office art, contemporary corporate art, or abstract corporate art, Artmajeur has pieces that can help you project a sophisticated and professional image to clients and visitors.

  3. Client Experience 
    First impressions matter, and art can play a pivotal role in creating a positive impression on clients and partners. Artmajeur’s collection includes art for boardrooms, art for lobbies, and art for reception areas, ensuring that your clients feel welcomed and impressed from the moment they step into your office. Unique corporate art pieces can serve as conversation starters, facilitating discussions and creating a more relaxed atmosphere.
    Gift Cards to Buy Art

  4. Investment Potential 
    Artmajeur not only offers beautiful art but also pieces that can appreciate over time, making them a valuable investment for your business. By diversifying your assets with corporate art investment, you can reduce overall investment risk. Artmajeur’s corporate art consultancy can guide you in selecting pieces with the potential for value appreciation.

  5. Tax Benefits
    Depending on your location, investing in corporate art can offer tax benefits. Businesses can often claim depreciation on art as an asset and take advantage of tax incentives for purchasing art. Artmajeur’s art advisory services can help you navigate these benefits to make the most of your investment. In some countries, our dedicated leasing service Artmajeur Leasing offers financing option making possible to acquire art by 100% tax deductible monthly installments, with no payment upfront.

 Painting - Ganesh Dodamani  - Petrichor-62 (2022)
©2022 Ganesh Dodamani

Artmajeur’s Comprehensive Services for Businesses

Artmajeur goes beyond offering a vast selection of artworks. We  provide comprehensive services tailored to the needs of businesses and liberal professions, making it easier than ever to incorporate art into your corporate environment.

Efficient Financing Solutions Artmajeur understands that purchasing art can be a significant investment. To make it more accessible, we offer efficient financing solutions such as art leasing for businesses. This allows you to enjoy beautiful artwork without the upfront cost, spreading the expense over time. Art leasing also offers flexibility, allowing you to rotate pieces and keep your office decor fresh and engaging.

Artmajeur Leasing

Art Advisory Services Choosing the right art for your business can be daunting. Artmajeur’s art advisory services provide expert guidance to help you select pieces that align with your brand and office decor. Their consultants can assist with everything from art for meeting rooms to large corporate art installations, ensuring that every piece you choose enhances your workspace and reflects your company’s identity.

Our partners & Professional Artists

Custom Corporate Art Solutions Artmajeur offers custom corporate art solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for office murals, business paintings, or custom business art, their team can create tailored pieces that perfectly fit your space and vision. Custom corporate art commissions ensure that your office decor is unique and memorable.

Artmajeur’s Extensive Art Collection With over 3 million original artworks available, Artmajeur’s collection is one of the largest and most diverse in the world. Here are just a few categories of art you can explore:

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Modern and Contemporary Art Artmajeur features a vast selection of modern corporate art and contemporary office art. These pieces can give your workspace a cutting-edge feel and align with a forward-thinking brand image. Contemporary corporate art is ideal for businesses that want to project innovation and creativity.

Abstract Art Abstract corporate art can add a touch of sophistication and intrigue to your office. Artmajeur’s collection includes stunning abstract office art that can serve as focal points in your workspace, sparking conversation and interest.

 Painting - Leni Smoragdova  - oee4 / A man. A hidden man - {$M} (2024)
oee4 / A man. A hidden man - {$M}
©2024 Leni Smoragdova

Photography and Prints For businesses looking for more affordable options, Artmajeur offers a wide range of office prints and business art prints. These pieces can be just as impactful as original artworks and are available in various styles to suit any office decor.

Sculptures and Installations Artmajeur’s collection also includes corporate sculptures and office art installations. These three-dimensional pieces can add depth and interest to your space, creating a dynamic and engaging environment.

How to Incorporate Art into Your Business?

Incorporating art into your business involves more than just hanging paintings on the wall. Here are some tips to make the most of Artmajeur’s offerings:

Plan Your Art Strategy Consider your company’s brand, values, and the message you want to convey. Artmajeur’s corporate art strategy services can help you develop a cohesive plan that integrates art into your overall business strategy.

Use Art to Define Spaces Different areas of your office can benefit from different types of art. For example, vibrant and inspiring pieces in meeting rooms can spark creativity, while serene and calming art in common areas can provide a relaxing atmosphere. Artmajeur offers art for common areas, art for conference rooms, and art for coworking spaces, allowing you to tailor your selections to each specific area.

Rotate Art Regularly Keep your office environment fresh and engaging by rotating your art regularly. Artmajeur’s art leasing and business art rentals make it easy to switch out pieces periodically, ensuring that your decor remains dynamic and interesting.

Engage Employees Involve your employees in the art selection process. This can boost engagement and ensure that the pieces you choose resonate with those who spend the most time in the space. Artmajeur’s art consultants for business can facilitate this process, helping you choose art that inspires and motivates your team.

 Painting - Oto Macek  - Untitled 428 (2019)
Untitled 428
©2019 Oto Macek

Why Choose Artmajeur for Your Corporate Art Needs?

Artmajeur stands out as the premier destination for businesses looking to invest in art for several reasons:

Extensive Selection With over 3 million original artworks and a diverse range of styles and mediums, Artmajeur offers an unparalleled selection. Whether you’re looking for modern office art, abstract corporate art, or unique business art, you’ll find it on Artmajeur.

Expert Guidance Artmajeur’s art advisory services provide expert guidance to help you select the perfect pieces for your business. Their consultants understand the unique needs of corporate clients and can assist with everything from art for corporate identity to large corporate art installations.

Art Advisory

Flexible Financing Artmajeur’s efficient financing solutions, including art leasing and business art rentals, make it easy to invest in art without a significant upfront cost. This flexibility allows you to enhance your office decor while managing your budget effectively.

Custom Solutions For businesses looking for something truly unique, Artmajeur offers custom corporate art solutions. Their team can create tailored pieces that perfectly fit your space and vision, ensuring that your office decor is one-of-a-kind.

Commitment to Quality Artmajeur is committed to providing high-quality art from reputable artists and galleries. Their rigorous selection process ensures that every piece meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Artmajeur is the best place to buy Art for your office!

Investing in corporate art is a strategic move that can enhance your work environment, strengthen your brand, and create a positive impression on clients and employees alike. Artmajeur offers a comprehensive range of services and an extensive selection of artworks to help businesses achieve these goals. With efficient financing solutions, expert guidance, and a commitment to quality, Artmajeur is the ideal partner for businesses looking to incorporate art into their corporate strategy. Explore Artmajeur’s collection today and discover the transformative power of art for your business!

 Painting - Nikolaus Weiler  - stroemender planet (2022)
Stroemender Planet ©2022 Nikolaus Weiler

Exclusive selections for offices and business premises

Collections curated by art market experts

Works that match your corporate office

Buy works that beautify your offices, enhance your brand and affirm the values of your company

 Painting - Radu Bercan  - Beach (2020)
Beach ©2020 Radu Bercan
 Painting - frego  - Portrait (2019)
Portrait ©2019 frego

Increase Productivity and Creativity

Art can inspire creativity and reduce stress among employees. A visually engaging environment can foster innovative thinking and enhance overall workplace productivity.

Make your offices beautiful and welcoming

Art can transform the visual environment of an office, making it more inviting and visually stimulating. This can boost employee morale and create a positive impression on clients and visitors.

 Painting - Oleksandr Balbyshev  - Pink Army Man (2018)
Pink Army Man ©2018 Oleksandr Balbyshev
 Painting - Rémi Balligand  - La Matrice (2024)
La Matrice ©2024 Rémi Balligand

Invest in Corporate Art

Invest in promising or established artists to build a corporate collection with strong appreciation potential, adding financial value to your company’s assets.